[CASE STUDY] – Will R 3 Month Progress Report with FAI Fix
Will R is a hockey player who was told by 2 doctors that he had FAI and needed hip surgery. He was told to not run or squat and that his hip internal rotation would never improve without surgery.
He has been using the FAI Fix for 3 months now and has made great progress in a short time period of time.
Watch Will share his story about:
- where he started
- why he was skeptical of the FAI Fix initially
- how he overcame those doubts and regained his hip function and range of motion
- how he saw his friends get surgery for FAI but remain in pain
- his advice for anyone else dealing with femoral acetabular impingement
…and more!
Shane Dowd - CES, CMP
Injury Free | Strong & Flexible | Athletes for Life