Frozen Shoulder?

The Frozen Shoulder program is a 45-day program to Fix Shoulder Pain and Get You Moving and Feeling Good Again

  • ⚡️ Instant access to private members area
  • 📚 Complete PDF follow-along routines for all levels
  • 📹 Over 42+ HD videos with clear follow-along instructions
  • 🎉 FREE bonuses ($350 VALUE) + lifetime access to updates
  • We have over 20,000+ happy customers around the world, but if our program doesn't work for you, get your money back.
GET IT NOW ($297) $97

Welcome to The Frozen Shoulder Program



Can You Fix Frozen Shoulder?

The short answer is “YES!” 😃 

The name “frozen shoulder” or "adhesive capsulitis" is scary, I know, but don’t let the name or a scary diagnosis from a doctor or "expert" get you down because...

The old theory that frozen shoulder is entirely a frozen/adhered capsule problem has been proven wrong by modern science.

For example…

👉 A 2015 scientific article titled "Determining the contribution of active stiffness to reduced range of motion in frozen shoulder showed that frozen shoulder patients under anesthesia showed significant improvements in range of motion (ROM).

The authors state thatIt appears that active stiffness or muscle guarding is a major contributing factor to reduced ROM in patients with frozen shoulder.

In fact, Dr. Tim Bunker, one of the world’s leading experts on frozen shoulder, says that:

🤷‍♂️ "Only about 50% of patients diagnosed with the frozen shoulder actually have signs of pathology in the shoulder."

The take-home message? You are NOT doomed! 

These scientific discoveries  (plus my own long struggles with shoulder pain) have led me to 3 key principles that will help you overcome frozen shoulder.

I call these principles the TSR System for fixing injuries and getting flexible.

⚡️ This system powers The Frozen Shoulder program and is your ticket to less pain and more mobility in the next 45-days.

How To Fix Frozen Shoulder

👉 The focus of this program is the root causes of shoulder pain that will help no matter where you are on the "frozen shoulder spectrum."

The exercises in this program will immediately start relieving the pain and tightness you may be feeling.

👉 If you have:

  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Adhesive Capsulitis
  • Shoulder Stiffness/Tightness
  • Pain/Stiffness When Lifting The Arm
  • Pain/Stiffness with Shoulder External Rotation
  • Pain When Sleeping On Your Side

....then this program is for you.

✅ The Frozen Shoulder program is a complete video training course that teaches the exact 3-part system I use to help athletes and non-athletes get back to fully functional shoulders again. 

How Long Does It Take to Fix Frozen Shoulder?

🤔 Another concern that you may have that I want to address right up front is the supposed “duration” that frozen shoulder lasts AND the outdated idea that it eventually heals on its own.  

In the 1970’s, the theory of "Frozen Shoulder” was proposed and is was broken down into these 3 phases:

  1. Freezing Phase – this is the painful phase (3-6 months)
  2. Frozen Phase – pain less, stiffness worse (4-12 months)
  3. Thawing Phase – regain in motion that can take 6 months and up to 2 years to resolve.

The main suggestion of this outdated theory is that frozen shoulder always goes through these 3 long phases (years) until it “naturally” sort of recovers on its own (with or without treatment.)

…and all you can do in these long years? Wait. 🙄 

👉 HOWEVER, a 2017 systematic study titled "Natural history of frozen shoulder: fact or fiction? A systematic review discovered that this assumption that Frozen Shoulder “naturally” goes through a 3 LONG phases and fully recovers on its own is false and not supported by evidence.

The truth is, it doesn’t have to go through 3 long phases and it usually won’t fully recover on its own.

🧠 You need to help it with smart, mindful exercises.

In my own battle with difficult shoulder problems, I had to invest 12+ years, of energy, effort and money to learn the lessons I've learned, and I've been helping athletes fix their own shoulder pain since then.

🚀 My goal is to shorten your journey and give you the tools to help you get your life back fast, so you can:

  • Feel better
  • Move better
  • Stay injury-free.

Are you ready for happy, healthy shoulders?


Get "The Frozen Shoulder" Program

Fix Your Shoulders with "The Ultimate Guide to Frozen Shoulder"

Get the 45-Day Program ($297) $97

Over 20,000 + Athletes And Counting...

Thousands of athletes around the world are using our programs.

"About 4 months ago I started having SEVERE shoulder issues, to the point where I was having issues sleeping at night. After 2 months of work, my shoulder pain is gone and I have noticed drastic improvements in my posture and how my body feels at rest."

Rob B.
Medical Professional / Athlete

What You Get With The Program

👌 The Frozen Shoulder program is a series of over 42 videos and follow-along PDF routines that I teach step-by-step. I won’t just be teaching you some theory from a textbook either.

👉 Instead, I will...

  • Visually show you all the body positions that are safe and unsafe for you to perform.
  • Show you the tools you will need to start fixing your shoulder pain.
  • Help you learn the best exercises for pain-free shoulders.
  • Teach you how to free up all the ranges of motion you will need in the gym and in life to stay pain-free and flexible.

Inside, you’ll learn my 3-step system, and I'll also walk you through many practical exercises ranging from beginner to advanced.

📚 The PDF Quick Start Guide will help get you started off on the right foot. 

Complete 45-Day Recovery Program

👍 This program is packed with step-by-step tutorials and resources for athletes and non-athletes.

The course is a natural solution for chronic shoulder pain. drugs, no pills, no surgeries!

📚 In addition to the videos and PDF Quick Start Guide, you are going to get a specific 45-day routine (PDF) to fix painful shoulder and muscles.

I tell you exactly what to do to fix shoulder pain permanently, and prevent it from ever coming back

💪 Knowledge is power and this knowledge can help prevent shoulder pain from messing with your life ever again.

All the secrets to relieving shoulder pain...all inside!

The Ultimate "Frozen Shoulder" Bible...From Someone Who Had Bad Shoulder Problems and Has Helped Over 20,000+ People Fix Pain & Injuries. 

👉 The 3-Step TSR System I've developed can help any athlete:

  • Create pain-free, injury-proof shoulders
  • Know why your shoulders hurt and what to do about it
  • Quickly get pain under control when a “tweak” happens
  • Gain confidence knowing that shoulder injuries are not a death sentence

🧠 This knowledge is like having a powerful antidote to protecting you against pain and injury because it goes far beyond the traditional advice to...

"Ice/heat your shoulder..." or "Just take some NSAIDS..." or "Rest up and it will heal"...or (the worst) "Just get surgery!"

💪 Instead, we bulletproof shoulders...without drugs, pills or surgery!

"The Frozen Shoulder" Program

Fix Your Shoulders and Stay Injury-Free for Life

Get The Program ($297) $97

100% Money-Back Guarantee

😃  We want you to fix your shoulders. Period.

We have over 100+ five star reviews and 20,000+ happy customers around the world...BUT if our program doesn't work for you for any reason...get your money back!

👍 Simple as that.

All you need to do is give the program a fair trial for 45-days and if it doesn't work for you, just email us and we'll give you a refund right away.


Follow The Frozen Shoulder roadmap to success.

GIFT #1: PDF Quick
Start Guide

Get started on the right foot. Step-by-step instructions to get the most value from the program.

GIFT #2: Exclusive "Members-Only" Discounts

Save 15-35% on all Got ROM programs with our special "members only" deals!

GIFT #3: 45-Day
Program (PDF)

The exact roadmap to your goals. Let the 45-day program walk you step-by-step through the best exercises.

GIFT #4: FREE 1-On-1 Help ($200 VALUE)

Send me videos/questions on any technique, stretch or exercise and I'll correct your form...FREE!

GIFT #5: Frozen
Shoulder Ebook

The "Ultimate Guide to Frozen Shoulder" (PDF). A companion guide to the 42+ video tutorials.


You get lifetime access to the program and bonuses, including all future program updates



  • ⚡️ PDF Quick-Start Guide
  • 📚 45-Day Program (PDF)
  • 📹 Over 42+ Premium HD Videos
  • 🔁 Lifetime Access to Program Updates
  • 📚 FREE "Ultimate Guide to Frozen Shoulder" Ebook 
  • 🎉 Exclusive 15-35% Member-Only Discounts
  • 😃 FREE 1-on-1 Help & Bonus Gifts ($350 VALUE)

Start Your 45-Day Journey

Fix Your Shoulder and Live Well

BUY NOW ($297) $97