Hip Flexor Flexibility is a 30-day program to unlock tight hip flexors
In a word...sitting.
But it's more than that too. There are also other factors (lifestyle, sports, genetics, etc), but the popular saying is "sitting is the new smoking" is not far from the truth.
One of the first victims of sitting is tight hip flexors. Tight hips are practically an epidemic in this country.
In fact, if you've ever been to a yoga class, you know that the most popular request is "help me with my hips!"
Unfortunately, simple stretching or yoga poses are often not enough to truly release and lengthen the hip flexors.
"Just stretch more" is the most common advice people get when they complain about tight hips. Unfortunately this is only 1/3 of the solution.
In fact, if you try to out-stretch tight hips and never address the other 2 factors, you may do more harm than good.
To permanently free up the hips, a more systematic approach is required.
Simply put, you must address your tissue quality, muscle length and lifestyle. To accompish this, I explain in detail the 3-steps of my TSR system and how to use it to get permanently flexible hip flexors.
The course is broken down into an easy-to-understand format. I will walk you step-by-step through every stretch and every exercise.
At the end of 30-days you will feel like your hips are free for (possibly) the first time in your life.
...and more!
Thousands of athletes around the world are using our programs.
In addition to the videos and Quick Start Guide, you are going to get a specific 30-day routine (PDF) to fix tight hips and low back tension.
I tell you exactly what to do to take a "deep-dive" into releasing the hip flexors.
Years of sitting have shortened your psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris and more...
It's time to fix that.
I designed this program for the beginner / intermeditate person.
Maybe you don't have the time or money to go to on-going yoga classes, but you know you have tight hips and you want a simple solution for that.
The Hip Flexor Flexibility program is a simple, straight to the point, and easy to use program that you can do at home.
We want you to get flexible. Period. If our program doesn't work for you for some reason, we want you to spend your money on a different approach to help you get flexible hip flexors.
All you will need to do is give the program a fair trial for 45-days and if it doesn't work for you just email us and we'll give you a refund right away.
Follow the Hip Flexor Flexibility roadmap to success.
Get started on the right foot. Step-by-step instructions on what to do to get the most value from the program.
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The exact roadmap to your goals. Let this 30-day program walk you step-by-step through the best exercises.