50% OFF Neck Pain Relief Special

Heal your Neck in the next couple of days!

(and create a personalized practice that keeps pain off forever!)
Start Your Free Trial

How This Works...

Relieve Pain In Days  


If you feel pain right now, your muscle fibers are currently torn or spasm in the form of knots.  We will use the TSR method to relieve pain in a few days.  Then we will continue this TSR practice to reset and completely heal your neck in under a month.

Long Term Prevention


Your more likely to reinjured your neck if you don't stop all compensation patterns that initially caused the neck pain. The problem?!! We don't know what actually caused it.  So, we will use the TSR method to create a completely flexible body for long-term prevention. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE NECK PAIN AGAIN!

15 Minutes a Day


All it takes is a 15 minutes a day TSR practice.  You could do this while watching TV and finish before the show even ends! (Plus you won't be sitting on the couch in positions that cause neck pain)

And YES! This will work for anyone...

Limited Time Offer!










5 minutes per day  

How do you do tissue work on your neck without going to a masseuse?  The movements in the program will allow you to do tissue work that puts compression on injured or knotted areas.  Promoting blood flow, bringing more oxygen to the injury.  Rapidly increasing the rate at which your body heals


5 minutes per day

We know that muscle strains come as a result of muscle fibers tearing.  We also know that muscle fibers tear because they are tight and contracting.  Any sudden movement equals disaster.  But, what if your muscles were flexible and strong like bamboo, instead of stiff like glass.  They wouldn't shatter!  Our stretching program will target the neck, plus key muscles in your shoulders, hips, butt , legs and back causing neck pain.  Greater mobility will prevent the likelihood of injuries and knots.



5 minutes per day  

Our bodies are constantly in awkward positions.  For example, if you sit at a desk all day, you probably don't have the correct posture.  If you lift weights, you could be doing incorrect motions.  If you have kids, you may be picking them up in a way that hurts the neck.  What if we could re-educate our bodies on how to move? Turns out you can! You can teach your body to sit and move in a way that doesn't cause muscle tightness.  Like an athlete doing a movement over and over again to perfect it, they create muscle memory.  Right now, you have bad muscle memory.  I will teach you how to create good muscle memory



Flexibility University 

---For Neck Pain---

  TOTAL VALUE = $97/m

Todays Price = $47/m

Start Your Free Trial

In The End You Will...

Fix injury or tightness in your neck. This literally only takes a few minutes to start feeling better and a few days to start making big changes

Get a body that performs like it did when you were a teenager, or even surpasses it.

Permanently prevent future injuries and flair-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Limited Time Offer!










Flexibility University

---For Neck Pain---


Normal Price = $97/m

Todays Price = $47/m

Start Your Free Trial