Knee Pain Debunked: The Shocking Truth About MRI Scans
By Shane Dowd , CES, CMP
Do you suffer from knee pain? Has the big bad MRI told you that you have abnormalities?
Don’t freak out—recent studies have shed light on a surprising revelation: MRI scans frequently do not identify the true source of knee pain.
Here, I’ll debunk the misconceptions surrounding knee pain and MRI scans and unveil the truth beneath the surface.
The MRI Knee Pain Myth:
Many individuals have believed that MRI scans hold all the answers regarding knee pain. Structural abnormalities, such as cartilage damage, meniscus tears, and swollen bursa, have often been blamed for causing discomfort and pain.
Patients have undergone surgeries, received injections, and taken medications based on the belief that these structural issues shown on the MRI are always the root cause of their pain. However, recent research challenges this long-standing notion and suggests a different narrative.
Decoding the MRI Results:
This groundbreaking study delved into the relationship between knee pain and MRI findings. It involved individuals of all ages with pain-free knees who had their knees scanned. The results were a complete surprise.
The study revealed that a substantial number of participants with NO knee pain exhibited MRI results that would make you THINK they had catastrophic knee issues.
The Shocking Findings:
So, what’s going on?
The reason all these pain-free knees show big bad problems is that the MRI, aka “The Donut of Truth,” loves to highlight all the problem areas in our knees: cartilage lesions, bone marrow oedema, meniscus lesions, tendon abnormalities, ligament lesions, baker's cysts, patella bursitis, fat pad synovitis, etc.
And that’s OK! That’s it’s job.
But it turns out MRI scans don't always match up with the actual knee pain people feel.
This new research also aligns with previous studies, which point out osteoarthritis’s prevalence in “...otherwise healthy uninjured knees…” in older adults, which is 19% to 43%.
In other words, we can now add arthritis to the long list of “bad things” that aren’t necessarily the sole causes of the pain you may be experiencing.
I hope the message is becoming clear: you are NOT your diagnosis.
Even people who have NO visible structural issues on their MRI scans often experience significant knee pain.
So, it’s not as simple as “bad image equals the cause of your pain, so we must perform surgery."
The authors of this study emphasize this in their own words). They say:
“The high rate of asymptomatic adults with knee joint abnormalities on MRI may indicate why arthroscopy and other surgical interventions for these do not result in better outcomes than sham surgery.”
In other words, the structural “abnormalities” might not be the cause of your pain. And you certainly shouldn’t jump straight into surgery based on MRI findings alone!
Understanding the Pain-Structure Disconnect:
But what about the actual knee pain you may be experiencing?
Why does knee pain persist despite the absence of significant structural abnormalities? Pain perception is complex. Pain is a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by various psychological, social, and neurological factors.
Studies show that pain perception can be influenced by emotions, beliefs, and previous experiences, often overshadowing what the MRI shows. Have you ever noticed that other things seem to drift away when you’re in a great mood? Or perhaps you have just received some great news, and suddenly your aches fade away.
Of course, the solution isn’t to tell you that pain is just in your head and that you should be positive (although positivity is powerful). The solution is to consider these multifaceted phenomena, create a personalized program that fits your situation, make necessary changes, and slowly improve.
The Role of Adaptability
The human body is incredibly adaptable, and our knee joints are total champs at change. I, for example, look like an absolute mess on an MRI:
…but my body has been able to ADAPT to these various structural “abnormalities” and become strong, flexible, and pain-free:
The good news is that our bodies have this fantastic knack for figuring things out, shifting gears, and adjusting to deal with structural surprises, making it possible for most people to lead pain-free lives despite what the scans say.
The point is that our bodies are working with us, not against us. They will adapt to what we put it through. That means:
- Sitting all day? The body will get good at that.
- Sedentary lifestyle? Bring it on. Your body will become an expert.
- Moving all day? It can adapt to that, too.
- Moving with intention, a.k.a. training? It can do that, too, AND this is where the real magic happens.
With intentional training, miracles can happen.
I’ve seen it over and over again over the past 14+ years, helping over 30,000+ people fix pain, get flexible, and build bulletproof bodies.
In other words, it’s good to stress your knees—you just have to know how to do it right.
For example, check out this study comparing the knees of Olympic weightlifters to traditional weightlifters. The Olympic lifter developed different muscle activation patterns around the knee, which is neither good nor bad, but specific adaptations will occur based on what you do (or don’t do).
This is why most proven methods of relieving pain involve training in some capacity. Of course, resting during acute flare-ups is important, but we must remember to rest but not RUST.
This is where personalization comes in to play. For example, when I design a knee recovery/training program for one of my 1:1 VIP students, I make myself available 24/7 for program updates and modifications. This personalization makes all the difference compared to the “Shotgun Approach” of random YouTube exercises or throwing every “Knees Over Toes” exercise under the sun at your knees and making things worse.
How To Heal Your Knee Pain Now
The shocking insights from these studies shake up the old idea that MRI scans are the “Circles of Certainty” and have all the solutions for knee pain.
These studies highlight the importance of taking a more holistic approach to knee discomfort. Armed with this knowledge, you and your healthcare providers have the power to consider a wider array of factors affecting knee health and create customized and better treatments, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for those experiencing knee discomfort.
So, if you’re ready to resolve knee pain, check out our free resources, including This Guide to Runners Knee and This Video on The 4 Deadly Runners Knee Mistakes.
If you would like some extra guidance, we are here to help. Our team offers 1-on-1 VIP coaching and is ready to prepare you and your knees for running, jumping, and squatting.
I hope this video/article helped! If so, please like, subscribe, and share. And, as always, please remember, you’re just one step away from building, or rebuilding, your perfect body.